Sunday 16 May 2021

It is breathing, people

Corona virus has brought out our strengths and exposed our weaknesses in a manner like never before. One of the weaknesses and should I call it a bad habit, is today’s lifestyle when even breathing, so fundamental to living has become an issue or a skill to be learnt. 

In India, if people who got Covid -19 knew simple breathing techniques and had sound breathing habit, many of them would not have required an oxygen concentrator or a cylinder. That would have eased the burden on the system across the country. My brother-in-law (Rajani’s brother) got Covid-19. He was in home isolation. His oxygen level dropped to 92 / 91. The doctor cautioned us that if the Oxygen level does not go up, he needs to be hospitalized. Being aware of proper breathing and other techniques through “Pranayama”, he got his oxygen level to 93/94 in a day and past 95 next day. 

If you do any form of exercise and / or housework you know how critical the ability to breath is. Breathing is not rocket science. There are few basic things. First, belly has to expand while inhaling and contract while exhaling. Secondly, breathing should be slow and rhythmic. Finally, chest up when inhaling and as said before, belly in when exhaling. People often do the opposite i.e. they contract while inhaling. In addition, we do shallow breathing most of the time. Our lifestyle makes us tense often and when one is tense, shallow breathing often takes over. Whether it is irritation with a small thing like 180 second RED traffic light or major issue like not getting a promotion or anxiety of new job or a life defining examination, shallow breathing starts. Over time shallow breathing becomes a habit seriously impacting simple act of breathing and the lung capacity. 

I am not saying the Government is not to blame for the current crisis. The Government has been careless, reckless and clueless to say the least. But we the people have made it worse through our habits – first ignoring Covid-19 guidelines, and then our lifestyle has made us weak. We ignore the fundamental of life – proper breathing.